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ABC's for Immigrants

We are here to provide the most current information about the everyday issues that undocumented, temporary permit holders, and legal permanent residents face in this country.
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ABC's for Immigrants

Inmigrantes En Estados Unidos

Welcome to our website. We know you came to the United States to improve your life, and we want to help you reach that goal. The objective of ABC’s for Immigrants – ABC’s para Inmigrantes is to provide the most current information about the everyday issues that undocumented, temporary permit holders, and legal permanent residents face in this country. It’s important that you know what can cause you to lose your permanent residency or keep you from ever becoming legal. If you are a United States citizen, you will want to know how to get your family members legal. Our information is educational in purpose. Even though we don’t want to give you legal advice, we can help you avoid the most common mistakes that immigrants make.
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