All illegal aliens fear having to face deportation. That may lead to them being afraid of contacting the police, even if they are victims of abuse. However, going to court doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be deported. Read on if you’re wondering If I’m undocumented will I get arrested when I go to court.
What Happens If an Illegal Immigrant Goes to Court?
Going to court is a huge source of anxiety for illegal immigrants. It can even cause some aliens not to report a crime because they’re afraid of getting deported. We would love to tell you there’s nothing to worry about. However, the answer to the question If I’m undocumented will I get arrested when I go to court? is not simple.
What happens when you go to court will depend on what you’re in there for. If you’re there because you committed a crime or a misdemeanor, ICE will likely detain you. However, if you’re there as a witness, the situation will be different. Whether you get arrested by ICE will depend on how capable the lawyer that called you to testify is. A skilled lawyer should be able to avoid the questions that pertain to your personal life. That includes any information about your legal status, as well.
Still, during cross-examination, the opposing side will do everything they can to discredit you. In order to do that, they’ll ask intrusive questions about your life, including your status as an immigrant. You want to make sure you answer these questions without incriminating yourself. The best way to do that is to consult with an immigration lawyer before you go to court.
What Happens If You Get Arrested When You Go to Court?
If you’re wondering If I’m undocumented will I get arrested when I go to court, you probably want to know what happens if you get arrested. Firstly, if ICE suspects you’re illegal, they will detain you for 48 hours. During that time, they may interview people close to you about your immigration status.
If they get enough information from the interviews and documents they find, they’ll start with the deportation process. However, if they don’t have substantial evidence about your legal status, they’ll have to release you. ICE can’t detain you for over 48 hours without evidence that you’re an illegal immigrant.
However, many police officers don’t know that or choose to ignore the law. Therefore, they may push to keep you detained for longer. In order to avoid that, make sure you know your rights. Stay informed about what ICE can and can’t do when they detain you and stay in touch with your lawyer.
It’s important to have a skilled immigration lawyer you trust. Make sure to remember their phone number, and request a lawyer immediately if you get arrested. Don’t talk about your immigration status without your lawyer present. Additionally, talk to your friends and family. Let them know that ICE may want to interview them and to contact your lawyer if that happens.
In Conclusion
If I’m undocumented will I get arrested when I go to court? is a question many illegal immigrants worry about. Whenever you go to court, be ready to answer questions about your immigrant status. In order to stay safe during the process, it’s important to consult with a lawyer beforehand. If you need help, give us a call and we’ll answer any questions you have.
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