If you’re an illegal alien, you may be wondering how to find a job without a permit. Although you should try to avoid it, working without papers may be the only choice for you at the moment. In that case, you should choose who you work for carefully. Read on to learn about working as a legal alien in the US.
Do Immigrants Need a Working Permit?
Naturalized US citizens can work without permits. However, if you’re still undocumented, and you want to work, not many places will hire you without papers. In order to work in the US legally, you will have to obtain a working permit. To do so, you must apply for an EAD, otherwise known as an Employment Authorization Document.
An EAD is a proof that you’re able to work in the US for a specific time period. In order to apply, you simply fill out a form and file it. The filing address will depend on where your eligibility category and the reason you applied. It’s important to fill in the form carefully, as the government won’t accept it if it has any mistakes. Additionally, make sure you sign the document. Many immigrants forget to do that, so their request gets rejected and sent back to them.
Is Working Without Papers Possible?
Working without papers isn’t legal, but you still may be able to find a job at a smaller, local business. For example, a lot of construction companies hire hard-working immigrants without a permit. Additionally, you may be able to find a job at a fast-food restaurant or in retail.
Alternatively, you can start up your own small business. If you own a car, you can work as a taxi driver or try out food delivery services. You can also offer services to your neighbors, such as babysitting or lawn-mowing. Freelance work is quite popular right now, and you can start earning a considerable amount of money pretty quickly. However, you may need to invest time and money into learning a skill, such as programming or designing.

The Dangers of Working Without Papers
Although working without papers is possible, you should avoid it if you can. If you are undocumented, it may put you and your employer at risk for two reasons. Firstly, if a workplace accident happens, you won’t be able to collect the benefits. Additionally, you’ll risk deportation if you go to a doctor unable to explain how you got injured.
Secondly, employees have a tendency to exploit undocumented workers. They may make you work overtime without paying you the right amount. Additionally, you run the risk of getting scammed. Some employers purposefully hire immigrants without papers and give them a fake check or simply refuse to pay them. Since you have no proof of working for your employer, you won’t be able to sue them.
In Conclusion
You should avoid working without papers if you can. However, if you have to work without permits, make sure to choose your employer carefully. Work for someone you know or talk to someone in your field of work for recommendations. Additionally, stand your ground and don’t let the employer push you around. It’s better to find a job elsewhere than to work with someone that doesn’t pay you enough for your work.
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